What To Expect
Once your physician recommends you to be seen by one of our surgeons, they will send us a referral with all of your information. We will then contact you to set up a convenient appointment.
Once your appointment is made, we will ask you to complete the three secure buttons below for all your patient information. No need for you to print them, we will be able to retrieve them for you. If you are unable to access the forms on-line, please let us know and we would be happy to mail you a copy you can fill out and then bring with you to the appointment. We also would be happy to assist you filling them out at the office if needed, just be sure to bring a list of your medications with you.
At this first appointment, we will verify your information by making a copy of your picture i.d. and insurance card(s).
Our surgeons and staff want to make sure you have all the information you need and want to understand your particular situation when you leave our office so please be sure to write down any questions in advance that you may want to ask. Of course, you can always call or email us as well if you think of something after your appointment.
Financial Policy
Our policy is to collect any co-pays or prior balances before your appointment. We always suggest that you check with your insurance as to how much your co-pay may be for a specialist’s office.
Once you are seen, we will bill your insurance for your appointment. If your insurance leaves you further balance (i.e. deductible or co-insurance) we will send you a statement that will be due within 30 days of the date sent to you. For self-pay patients, payment in full is expected at the time of your visit. We will be sure you are aware of this amount prior to your arrival.
We do understand that sometimes things happen and you cannot always pay in full prior to your appointment. Please do not worry! Call us prior to your appointment to discuss arrangements.
Privacy Notice
This notice describes how your medical information obtained in our office may be used and disclosed. It also describes how you may get access to this information.
Patient Survey
Take a minute to participate in our patient survey. We are always looking for better ways to serve you!